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Professor Moritz Müller

Professor Moritz Müller has held the Chair of Mathematical Logic since October 2022. He came to Passau from the University of Freiburg via Barcelona and Vienna. His research focuses on the interface between mathematical logic and theoretical computer science, in particular proof complexity.

Professor Moritz Müller has held the Chair of Mathematical Logic since October 2022. He came to Passau from the University of Freiburg via Barcelona and Vienna. His research focuses on the interface between mathematical logic and theoretical computer science, in particular proof complexity.

Professor Moritz Müller has held the Chair of Mathematical Logic since October 2022. He came to Passau from the University of Freiburg via Barcelona and Vienna. His research focuses on the interface between mathematical logic and theoretical computer science, in particular proof complexity.

„The P versus NP problem is the central problem of theoretical computer science and currently one of the largest open problems in mathematics. It deals with the question of which computational problems can be solved efficiently. I would like to try to better understand this problem by means of mathematical logic. For example, is it possible to prove that every possible answer must be difficult to prove?"

More on his Research

How difficult do proofs have to be?

Professor Moritz Müller conducts research into mathematical logic at the University of Passau. His research focusses, for example, on the question of how difficult proofs have to be.

To the publications of Professor Moritz Müller

This text was machine-translated from German. 

Prof. Müller schaut lächelnd zur Seite. Er steht vor einer Tafel mit vielen mathematischen Formeln. Das Foto ist im Gegenlicht entstanden.
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