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All faculties of the University of Passau are addressing the technological foundations and societal impacts of the digital turn. The Digitalisation Hub is an open cooperation and exchange forum for networking scholars and scientists.

Our research clusters

Bayerischer Forschungsverbund „Sicherheit in der Alltagsdigitalisierung“ (ForDaySec)

At the Passau Institute of Digital Security (PIDS) and the Institute for Law and Digital Society (IRDG), scholars from the fields of mathematics, computer science, law and the humanities conduct interdisciplinary research on IT security and data protection and use their expertise to build a new Bavarian security research network

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Generative language models have disruptive consequences – and not only for the software development process. Researchers at the University of Passau are analysing the technological, societal, ethical and legal questions raised by this technology.

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The eHumanities focus that has established itself at the University of Passau in recent years is a bridging link between the humanities and social sciences on the one hand and computer science on the other. Here is an overview of projects and the people involved.

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Exploring the core phenomenon of the digital economy and digital society requires a view from multiple disciplines. The University of Passau is setting new standards – such as in the DFG Research Training Group 2720 "Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE)".  

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Institutes and centres

Digitalisation research activity is concentrated in several interdisciplinary institutes and centres at the University:

Cybersecurity and Data Protection

At the Passau Institute of Digital Security (PIDS) and the Institute for Law and Digital Society, scholars and scientists conduct interdisciplinary research on IT security and data protection. Read on to find out more about the members, their research motivation and selected topics.

Teilnehmer*innen des deutsch-ukrainischen Symposiums für Cybersicherheit.

Researchers and experts from various fields came together to discuss digital security challenges and solutions at a German-Ukrainian roundtable symposium held in Passau to mark International Computer Security Day.

Symbolbild für Cybersecurity in der Zukunft. Ein Handy ist umgeben von App-Symbolen und einem Schloss in der Mitte.

The Bavarian research consortium ForDaySec is organizing a series of lectures on the future of digital security in everyday life. The series is also available on YouTube.

Illustration aus dem Erklärvideo zum interdisziplinären bidt-Projekt „Vektoren der Datenpreisgabe“ - Illustration: Isabel Groll

The digital world asks us this question several times a day: should we share our data? A video explaining the interdisciplinary bidt project "Vectors of data disclosure", which examines the general legal and cultural conditions of that moment.


The eHumanities focus that has established itself at the University of Passau in recent years is a connecting bridge between the humanities and social sciences on the one hand, and computer science on the other. Here is an overview of our projects and the people involved.

A collaborative project of the Chair of Computational Humanities has used AI to process historical animal observation data for modern biodiversity research and converted it into digital, georeferenced observation data.

What potential do large language models offer for the humanities? 488 representatives from the field of digital humanities discussed this question, among others, in Passau.

Platform economy

Exploring the core phenomenon of the digital economy and digital society requires a view from multiple disciplines. The University of Passau is setting new standards – such as in the DFG Research Training Group 2720 "Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE)" – in training up early career researchers.

The DFG Research Training Group "Digital Platform Ecosystems" brought together researchers from all over the world in Passau to discuss one topic: the power of digital platforms. With videos

Mercator-Fellow Professor Donald Lange von der State University Arizona zu Gast an der Universität Passau.

Professor Donald Lange from Arizona State University is currently conducting research as a Mercator Fellow at the DFG Research Training Group 2720 "Digital Platform Ecosystems" at the University of Passau.

Lviv, Stadt im Westen der Ukraine, nahe der polnischen Grenze. Foto: Adobe Stock

While the sirens are wailing outside in Lviv, Ukraine, Oleksandr Rudyak is sitting indoors, attending an online meeting to discuss his master's thesis with Professor Andreas König. And they both have an idea.

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