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Prof. Dr. Gordon Fraser, Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Software Engineering II im Durchgang zum Philosophicum..

Professor Gordon Fraser

Professor Gordon Fraser has held the Chair of Software Engineering II at the University of Passau since 2017. After completing his doctorate at Graz University of Technology, he conducted research at Saarland University and the University of Sheffield. His research and teaching focusses on issues relating to software analysis, software development and the didactics of programming.

Professor Gordon Fraser has held the Chair of Software Engineering II at the University of Passau since 2017. After completing his doctorate at Graz University of Technology, he conducted research at Saarland University and the University of Sheffield. His research and teaching focusses on issues relating to software analysis, software development and the didactics of programming.

Professor Gordon Fraser has held the Chair of Software Engineering II at the University of Passau since 2017. After completing his doctorate at Graz University of Technology, he conducted research at Saarland University and the University of Sheffield. His research and teaching focusses on issues relating to software analysis, software development and the didactics of programming.

„Errors in software are omnipresent. If an app crashes from time to time because of an error, that's annoying, but if the software in a vehicle or aircraft has errors, the effects are potentially dramatic. In order to prevent software from being faulty, I mainly pursue three approaches in research: If the code has already been written, automated analyses are used to find errors in it, for example by automatically executing programs and searching for program crashes. But automated programme analyses can also be used to help software developers write better code while they are still creating it. Ultimately, it's also a question of programming training, which is why we support learners from the very first steps in programming and try to improve their training.”

More on his Research

Prof Gordon Fraser's research focuses on software analysis, software development and the didactics of programming. The focus is on how to prevent errors in software and how to make software developers more productive, for example through AI-based analyses or by improving programming training.

To the publications of Prof Dr Gordon Fraser.


Research story

In the DeepCode project at the University of Passau, researchers are working with experts from the field to test how large language models can make work easier for programmers.

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