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Interview zu RUSINFORM

Professor Florian Töpfl, who heads the ERC Consolidator Group RUSINFORM, talks about Russian influence on public opinion…

Die ausgezeichnete Studie wird von drei Teilnehmenden der Konferenz präsentiert.
Die ausgezeichnete Studie wird von drei Teilnehmenden der Konferenz präsentiert.
Prize for Passau study

A study by the market research institute CENTOURIS has been honoured at the 6th International Conference on Marketing…


The linguistic origins of the Americas remain largely unknown. Researchers from Passau, Leipzig and Lima have developed…

Porträt von Sandra Leaton Gray
Porträt von Sandra Leaton Gray
Gastprofessorin Sandra Leaton Gray

What will school be like in the future? Sandra Leaton Gray, Professor of Education Futures at the Institute of…


An international team including researchers from the University of Passau has shown in a study that the cognitive…

Portrait of Marc Goerigk

The German business magazine WirtschaftsWoche has named Professor Marc Goerigk the most prolific business administration…


A study conducted by early career researchers based on data from Switzerland has revealed: On days when temperatures…

Preisträgerin Dr. Johanna Zimmermann mit Minister Markus Blume und Bayernwerk-Chef Dr. Egon Leo Westphal; Foto: Alex Schelbert/ Bayernwerk AG
Preisträgerin Dr. Johanna Zimmermann mit Minister Markus Blume und Bayernwerk-Chef Dr. Egon Leo Westphal; Foto: Alex Schelbert/ Bayernwerk AG
Excellent thesis

Bayernwerk AG has awarded the Bavarian Culture Prize. Among the recipients is Dr Johanna Zimmermann, research associate…

Team-Besprechung am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Dr. Michael Granitzer; Foto: Universität Passau
Team-Besprechung am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Dr. Michael Granitzer; Foto: Universität Passau
EU Horizon project

The National Contact Point Digital and Industrial Technologies recognises the OpenWebSearch.EU project as one of twelve…


Interview in the Dutch daily newspaper Trouw with Professor Lars Rensmann (political science with a focus on comparative…

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